The IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft makes venture capital available to Berlin technology companies and to companies in the creative industries. With its help, entrepreneurs are enabled to develop market- ready products more quickly and successfully launch them on the market.

High-Tech Gründerfonds invests venture capital in young, up-and- coming technology companies. It makes urgently needed starting capital available for the foundation of technology-oriented companies and provides for the necessary supervision and support of management.

The offers of funding of the Munich Business Plan Competition are aimed at those who have a concept for an innovative product or an innovative service and who want to implement this commercially whether - through the founding of a company or through the growth of a small existing company. The area the concept comes from is unimportant. What counts above all is having innovative business concepts with a strong market potential.

Das CyberForum ist mit 750 Mitgliedern eines der größten und erfolgreichsten regionalen Hightech. Unternehmer. Netzwerke in Deutschland. Es bietet Unternehmen der HighTech-Branche ein umfangreiches Informations- und Event-Angebot sowie beste Business Kontakte. Es bringt Unternehmer und Entscheidungsträger zusammen, ebnet den Weg für Kooperationen und fördert den unternehmerischen Erfahrungsaustausch in der Technologie Region Karlsruhe.